Your Title Here

Your Name Here
Glencoe High School
2700 NW Glencoe Rd.
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Subjects Taught:
The Subjects you teach

Multi line OK


Your Name Here has the following schedule during the regular school day.
Period Class/Subject Room #
Zero Zero Period is an Option 123
1 Your First Class 456
2 And Second 789
3 Third too 123
4 Lunch 456
5 Why not Lunch again 789
6 More classes 123
7 One last Class 456
8 Early Realease 789


Here are my Activites

I am involved in Key Club, NHS, and Acedemics. I do lots and lots of homework. I could really write anyting I wanted here. It doesn't really matter. But you get the Idea

I can even start a new Paragraph


There are no announcements today.

If there were, I could put them here

Here I can Include any content I feel appropriate.

I can say things like "this is the best class you can take" or "Eat at Joe's"

Last Modified 8/25/98