following are sample bibliography entries, illustrating the proper way to document
sources, and give credit for work used. Any questions regarding these entries
should be resolved through a teacher, or reliable text. These entries are meant
only as a starting point, and are generaly correct. Variations in the method of
citation may be acceptable in some circumstances.
(NOTE: The titles of works may be either underlined or italicized, but a consistant
fromat should be used. Both are used here for illustration purposes. Also, when
typing your bibliography, indent the second line, as we cannot do this well
on the web.)
One Author
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: New American Library,
Two Authors
Lawrence, Jerome, and Robert E. Lee. The Night Thoreaw Spent in Jail. New
York: Bantam Books, 1973.
Three Authors
Warriner, John C., Mary Evelyn Whitten, and Francis Griffith. English Grammar
and Composition. Chicago: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., 1958.
Four or More Authors
McAdams, Levy, and others. Writing Clear Paragraphs. Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978.
One Editor
Beck, Robert E., ed. Literature of the Supernatural. Evanston, Illinois:
McDougal, Littel and Co., 1974.
Two or More Editors
Refer to entry for two or more authors, but insert the abbreviation "eds.," after
the last editor's name.
Chekhov, Anton. Selected Stories. trans. Ann Dunnigan. New York: Signet,
Short Works
Poem, Short Story, or Article in a Collection
Walt Whitman, "Miracles." In Encounters. New York: McGraw Hill, 1979.
James Street, "The Grains of Paradise." In Encounters. New York: McGraw
Hill, 1979.
Encyclopedia and Reference Work
Encyclopedia and Reference Work - Unsigned
"Savannah." Encyclopedia Americana. 1979. Reference Work - Signed Nelson,
Ralph L. "Mergers." International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences. New
York: MacMillan, 1968.
Encyclopedia - Signed
Wagner, Peter K. "National Debt." World Book Encyclopedia. 1977.
Government Publication
U.S. Department of Commerce. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1981.
Whashington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1981.
Meyer, Janet. President, Abco Corporation, Aloha, Oregon, Interview, September
15, 1982.
Signed Magazine Articles
James, Russell. "Billion-dollar Treasures at the Bottom of the Sea." Mechanix
Illustrated. Vol. 78, July 1982, pp. 62-64, 88-89.
Unsigned Magazine Articles
"Wild Mustangs Kick up a Fuss." Newsweek. Vol. XCIX, p. 14.
Newspaper Article - Signed
Tevlin, Michael. "Board Split on Higher Standards." Valley Times. June
17, 1982, p.1.
Newspaper Article - Unsigned
"GM Also Boosts Some Charges On All Its Cars." The Wall Street Journal.
June 8, 1982, p. 4.
Online - The World Wide Web
Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Page." Address (Day Month Year of Posting)